A Look At The 4 Differences Between Commercial Real Estate And Residential Real Estate

If you are interested in investing, you may find that one of the best ways of doing this is by investing in real estate. This is because real estate normally has a lot of value, and this means that you are bound to make a lot of money out of it especially if you do your investment correctly. In addition to that, it is also common to find that real estate often appreciates in value over time. This is in contrast to other means of saving, such as cash, which normally lose value as time goes by. This means that if you are looking for a way to save some money without it losing value, you would be in a very good position by choosing real estate.

However, there are a number of things that you often have to keep in mind when you are thinking of doing this. For one, you have to have all the information you need in order to make proper investments. At the very least, you need to know about the different kinds of real estate as well as their defining characteristics, even if you are doing the investment using the help of a real estate professional. For instance, it is often very important to know the differences between residential and commercial real estate. These two kinds of real estate have a number of differences including:

commercial real estate

The kinds of property involved

As their names suggest, residential real estate refers to real estate in the form of houses or apartments that are used as habitats for people and their families. Investment in this kind of real estate does not necessarily mean that you need to use the facility personally, though many people do. For instance, you could decide to buy a block of flats and then rent them out. In such a case, you would have invested in residential real estate, despite the fact that you would be owning a huge building.

On the other hand, commercial real estate is defined as real estate that is used for business purposes, either by the owner or any other person who rents the facility. For instance, if you bought a block of flats, it would be considered to be an investment in commercial real estate whether you use the offices for your own company or rent them out to some other company.

Sizes of property involved

commercial real estate

In most cases, you will find that when you are thinking of investing in residential real estate, you have a lot of freedom regarding the size and consequently the price that you are going to pay. For instance, if you are new to this form of investment, you may want to limit your risks by making sure that you only invest a relatively small amount of money first. You could do this by buying a single house, rather than a block of flats or a whole estate. This means that you will end up spending much less.

When you talk of the commercial kind of investment, you will find that things are a bit different. In this case, most of the properties are often large in terms of size. In addition to that, they are also usually much more expensive than the residential real estate. This means that on average, you may need to have much more money to invest in the commercial properties as compared to the residential ones. Of course, there are a few exceptions to the rule. For instance, you could end up finding that a particular small office block in a region that is not popular with businesses will cost more than a single residential house in an upmarket neighborhood.

Means of funding

commercial real estate

When one wants to buy a facility such as a house, they can usually make use of mortgages from various lenders, such as banks or independent mortgage providers. However, this is usually not the case with commercial property. Most of the time when one needs to buy the latter, they have to make use of their personal funds or use other kinds of loans other than mortgages. For instance, they would need to approach a bank and then apply for some kind of loan that they can use for such purposes, instead of using mortgages. Of course, there are times when one may need to buy residential property using the same scheme, such as when buying a large number of housing units for rental purposes.


In the case of residential real estate that is not large in terms of size, the issue of management is often very easy. In many cases, you may not even need to visit the property often; the people to whom you have rented the house to can simply call when they have any problem and you can send someone to fix it.

However, in the case of commercial properties, one usually has to be more involved. For instance, you may need to get the services of a management company to make sure that all the aspects of the facility are taken care of as needed. This is often more than critical, since it determines the demand for your building. If you take care of the property well, you will often find that more people will be willing to rent space in it, and this means that you will have a greater chance to make good money out of it.

These are just a few of the differences between these two kinds of real estate. Each of them has a huge potential for earning one a lot of money especially if they make the right decisions about which one to use. Which one would be suitable for you is a matter of personal preference. However, if you need professional help in making this decision, it is often a good idea to get real estates to provide such advisory services. They can analyze the state of real estate in your particular neighborhood, and then give you a report on which kind of real estate would best suit your needs.